Saturday, September 6

out of my mind

I've officially moved out of my parents house. 
No really. I have.
Honestly? I feel alone and outside of the world. But I'm pretty sure that will go away. I always told myself that when I moved out of the house, I would live it up, party all the time, and work at a job that I loved. 
I'm at this moment watching House reruns and working on my homework online. Oh, and tomorrow, I have a job interview to work food services for GISD.
I'm living the life, huh.

Tuesday, September 2

front porch

I was torn today. I had to make a choice: do what I needed to do or say goodbye. I chose the later. I wonder if I'm going to regret that. Maybe I'll put that aside for later. Tomorrow, I'm going to over-charge the lady that I nanny for. Why? Because I don't like to be taken advantage of.
Today, I have nothing whimsical. 
Nothing poetic.
Not even thought-provoking.
My mind is somewhere else.
I wish I had a front porch.

Monday, September 1

deeper than deep

So big changes are about to ensue. From what? Lots of things. My own brother is being put in a program for drug addicts and the sort. So he'll straighten up. Of course, he's not addicted to anything. Nor is he a criminal. He just sucks at being mature. 
Which causes me to smile. Wasn't I the same way not two years ago? I made terrible mistakes, rash decisions, and irreversible consequences went down because of it. But I learned that to get respect in this world, you must deserve it. 
Worthy of your title. I don't have the energy to emphasize on that; you'll have to let that go, reader.
But back to the beginning of this blog. My brother is leaving tomorrow. I really do hope that he figures out what he's doing and where he needs to go in life. I hope he grows into the man I know he can be. Because he deserves it. Don't we all deserve to have joy in life?

Sunday, August 31

opening act

the show's about to start. a finite mind on a journey to discover and possibly reinvent a mindset of truth. a book of answers waiting to be opened.
and all i have to do is trust.
what a frightening thing to ask.