Wednesday, October 22

repeat, act, repeat

why am i so wicked? why am i so selfish?
You give me grace to replace the sin,
and yet i always go back to the foolhardy friend.
who's not a friend at all but a wolf in sheep's clothing.
i wonder why You don't give up on me, and continue to
answer my selfish questions, when in reality, i would
give up on me, but i suppose that's why i'm not You.
and though You've always been there, i feel separated
from everything right now. not because of You, but me.
this samantha that's so evil and stubborn, she thinks she can
do it on her own, and she'll stop at nothing to get satisfaction.
i wish that you would kill her, so the small child inside can finally
breathe Your air. the small child that has faith that can never die.
the small child that won't stop until she reaches Your arms.

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