Thursday, November 20

i just don't know what to do.

i'm watching everything fall down around me
its not even in cemeteries but i feel the cold anyway.
i'm losing everything but my sanity, and even that is slipping
dear God, what am i supposed to do?
i've lost people and i don't see the answers
and a good yesterday doesn't erase tomorrow and
what happens to me when i lose it all?
i don't think you feel my pain,
because i think i carry it all.
and i tried handing it over to you,
but things just kept getting worse.
i'm frustrated and tired and
growing more hopeless all the time
and what am i supposed to do, because
faith just doesn't do it for me anymore.
i can literally feel my heart breaking
and i don't see the promise you made and
i don't know what's worse, dying or losing faith in you.
maybe i'm just overreacting, maybe this is a time for breaking
but i just need to know that you're still here.
i need you to tell me something or even let me feel your hands
oh, God, just whisper words to me.
i don't think i can do this
and i won't write anything more to
distract myself from an emotion indescribable.
i'm closer to wanting to jump and fly away.

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