Wednesday, September 24

is this coincidence or a sign?

i've had a wonderful life. i've been to jamaica, nicaragua, and poland. i've been all over the U.S., traveling all over. i've been to almost every club in dallas. i've had my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love and heartbreak. i've known great joy and great tragedy. i've been close to dying, and i remember waking up hours later knowing that i'll live. i've seen birth and death. i've laughed, cried, and even have done both at the same time. i've made friends, enemies, and people that i've kept at the acquaintance level. i've had crazy jobs, crazy friends, and i have a wonderful church. i've hated God in the past, and now i know God and I love Him so much.
i've had a full life so far. 

and yet, i'm not satisfied.
there's got to be more to this.
so i won't stop searching for the next step.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

sweety, our God doesn't play dice. and what that means is, there are no such things as coincidences.
nothing has been left to chance.

you'll find what you're looking for,
just don't stop looking :]